
Grades Taught

K - 12


Spruce View School, which is located in the hamlet of Spruce View, is 25 minutes west of Innisfail on Highway 54. This location allows for a unique integration of traditional rural values and modern educational practices.Stop by for a visit - learning happens here!

Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year at Spruce View School!  This year, we are committed to the following two goals:

  1. Teachers will create exemplary learning environments where every student will exceed expectations.
  2. Every student, staff member, parent, and guest will feel valued, safe and cared for every minute of every day.


Spruce View School is a K-12 school servicing approximately 300 students. Our school offers a wide variety of courses and experiences throughout the grade levels.


Spruce View has an excellent history of community and parental support. We are proud of the involvement of the parents in our school family. You can regularly see our parents lending a hand in the classrooms and in the hallways. They take an active role by volunteering as classroom aides, sharing in School Council decision-making, helping with field trips and extra-curricular activities, and supervising homework. They also help with fundraising activities, such as our weekly hot dog sales, and read with students on a one-on-one basis.


Mission Statement

Our mission statement is aligned with the Mission and Vision of Chinook's Edge School Division:

Chinook’s Edge School Division (Spruce View School) will engage every student in meaningful learning by challenging, encouraging and believing in them.

Chinook’s Edge School Division (Spruce View School) will be universally recognized as a collaborative learning community where learning is personalized for all students to achieve success as compassionate and innovative global citizens.

Our Trustee

Linda Wagers

I taught in Spruce View School early in my teaching career and am so pleased to now be involved with the school in my new position as the School Trustee for the area.  Many things have changed in education since I started teaching in 1990,  and many things have also changed since I was at Spruce View School.  Some of the parents that I now interact with are former students of mine and I really enjoy this “reconnect” opportunity.
This new role as a Trustee has certainly provided me with a very steep learning curve and has given me the responsibility to be the one to listen to concerns and “be a voice” of the Spruce View School stakeholders.