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Jeanette Thompson

Photo of Jeanette Thompson

Teacher - Grade 2

Phone: 403-728-3459

Key Roles

Throughout my career, I have taught mostly primary grades, as well as some middle and high school options. I love being an educator. It is always what I wanted to do, for as long as I can remember. People often ask me why I chose to be an educator and why I've stuck with it for so many years. The answer is quite simple: I love watching children learn and grow. There is something truly magical about seeing a student's face light up when they finally grasp a new concept or master a skill they've been working hard on. I believe that education is the foundation upon which dreams are built, and I take great pride in being a part of that foundation in my students' lives.

Family is very important to me. I have two wonderful children whom I adore. We love to travel and have visited many wonderful places together as a family. I feel very fortunate to have shared these experiences with my husband, children, and extended family. We are a close-knit family, and we get together as often as we can. Although we are a bit spread out across the province, we always try to make time for one another. 

I am proud to be a teacher at Spruce View School. As I embark on this 28th year of teaching, my enthusiasm remains unwavering. The ever-evolving landscape of education keeps me on my toes, continuously seeking innovative ways to engage and inspire my students. I am excited to meet my new Grade Two class family and to embark on another year of shared discoveries, laughter, and learning.

Over these years, I have learned just as much from my students as they have learned from me. Each day presents new opportunities to make a difference in the lives of these young learners, and I am eager to continue doing so!

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